Our New Rainbow® Decks Have Arrived
Our new Rainbow® Design Collection is here! We’ve made tweaks, added new materials, and updated the format to be more user-friendly for designers everywhere.
So, what’s changed?
Alongside our Rainbow® 80 color selection we have also added Rainbow® 100, our Rainbow® Renew collection, our Plastic Free offerings, and select embossings. Each of these sections are easily labelled with their own dividers, taking the frustration out of finding the material you’re looking for. The dividers display all sustainability certifications, as well as a QR code for each product’s pages on our website to quickly find data sheets, request samples, and more.
Every page of materials is perforated to easily remove swatches for color matching, and each perforated swatch is labelled with the material and color clearly printed on top to avoid confusion while working. Even better? We’ve only added perforations to the bottom of the page, so you can return to the desired color after you’ve removed swatches.

Included in the Deck
Rainbow® 80
Each color of Rainbow® 80 Antique
Rainbow® 100
Opaque, Black, & Crimson Antique
Rainbow® Renew
Rainbow® Tree Free, Rainbow® Tuxedo & Alabaster, & Rainbow® Hemp
Plastic Free
Rainbow® 3 Plastic Free embossed BB 171, Lumina® Antique, Rainbow® Marble Antique, Exposé™ Antique, Galaxy® Antique
Classic Embossings
BB 171, Booklin 105, Buckram 127, Burnished Leather 960, Canvas 909, Colonial 101, Corduroy 929, Crush 178, Felt 935, Handspun 107, Irish Linen 1050, Linen 124, Oasis 108, Pinstripe 931, Spanish 928, Textured 102 on Rainbow® 80 Ultra Black
Design Embossings
Burlap Canvas 907, Cambric 987, Deco 983, Diamond 511, Hammered Reverse 595, Goat 900, Large Canvas 573, Morocco 949, Oxford 969, Rib 990, Skytogen 934, Spun Glass 905, Staghorn 583, Swirl 554 on Rainbow® 80 Lapis
Interested in Receiving a NEW Rainbow® Deck?
Fill out our Rainbow® deck pre-order form here, or contact your dedicated sales representative!